Episode 26 – Ho, Christmas Tree

DJCH_026Our first comedy album in 13 years is coming out this month!  On November 25, “Ho, Christmas Tree!” drops, just in time for the holidays.   It’ll be a free download, available (on the day) at ho.stolendress.com, with CDs available shortly thereafter.  If you need your physical album fix immediately, though, we’ll also be creating a WORLD FIRST with the WORLD’S SMALLEST COMEDY ALBUM IN HISTORY.  At 1.2 X 1.2 cm”, the album will come to you in a custom sleeve on a MicroSD card packed with some sensible extras.  You’ll be able to order those directly through us.

It’s a sketch album, naturally, featuring the talents of James Urbaniak, Philip Proctor of The Firesign Theatre, Jeremy Guskin, Allen Rueckert and a number of other wonderful talents.  Dan and Jay made a quick episode to tell you about it.

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or e-mail us: DJCH AT StolenDress DOT com

©2014 StolenDress Entertainment

Author: Jay