Windows 10's 'Something Happened' error is turning into a meme

Windows 10 has been pretty warmly received across the board, with most reviewers (and WIRED) concluding that it's a relatively stable and sensible upgrade, with lots of features for which we would have gladly paid, but don't have to.

However, the launch has not gone flawlessly, with one error in particular starting to pick up steam on social media as perhaps the least helpful and most 'Microsoft' error in Windows history.

Users on Twitter are reporting that on attempting to install Windows 10, they are being halted by an error that says simply:

"Something Happened".


The error comes with explanatory text which reads:

"Something happened."

Even better.

The unhelpful error -- which has appeared in multiple languages -- is so profoundly stupid some users have questioned whether some of the more-retweeted versions have in fact been Photoshopped -- but it does appear to be a real bug. In fact on Reddit someone has even found a way to fix it.

According to 'monoWench' the problem resides in your language settings and is easily fixed if you're able to re-download a specific language set.

Users should (apparently) go to "Control panel", "Language and region", then go to the region for the United States, click "Administrative" and change the language to English (United States).

It's unclear at this stage if only US users are affected, or if a mismatch in various settings could affect UK users too.

Luckily it does appear fixable, and in any OS installation alls-well that eventually installs well. Here's hoping Microsoft's meme-tastic new error doesn't persist through the life of the OS.

This article was originally published by WIRED UK