Children of Europe Newspaper

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sept 2012
A speedy dialogue
Posté dans journalist, Renata Verejanu par childrenewspaper à 2:39 | Pas de réponses »

Journalist Mihai Vicol, Romania,
in a dialogue with poetess Renata Verejanu, Moldova.

M.Vicol. Mrs. Renata Verejanu, what means to be a writer in Basarabia, now when the Moldavian language is more and more „Moldavian”?

R.Verejanu. You know, it’s possible that I live in another world than the one you’re speaking of… I didn’t felt that the language I speak „is more and more Moldavian”. Me, the founder of „Micul Prinţ” Magazine (first European magazine of culture for youth, published by children and young people), I am editing for already 15 years the most beautiful publication in Romanian and English languages, and I know that every year, the children from Moldova speak more and more nicer Romanian language, and also speak fluent many other languages… The fact that some journalist or dignitary made up „labels” and sterile debates – I don’t care long time ago. Now, when over 50 % of the population work force is abroad and when the population of Moldova becomes the population that speaks the most languages, not the spoken language is the problem. As a leader of civil society for 20 years – I confirm that there are many other problems that intimidate the citizens: Human Rights, corruption, poverty, organized crime, human trafficking, promotion of prostitution – here just a few of the most striking issues. About the spoken language there were speculations in the period 1985-1995… On the „shoulders” of native language, or state language etc., some became billionaries over night, other became „national heroes”, others at least ministers for a season, the „smartest” ones became parliamentarians and are sitting in Parliament over 10 -15 years… Now nobody can be fooled with a candy…or polemics about the language.

M.V. Renata, you have published many books… Which was the most loved one… And how much joy brings you the publication of a new book?
R.V. If I have to confirm that a poet writes all his life a book – I accept I have published „many”… Yes, there was near 1977-1980 the first books at Chisinau and Moscow, where I graduated second university (at the most democratic higher education establishment – the Literature Institute „Maxim Gorki”). At the end of October 2007, at a literary circle from Writers Union, the literary critic Ion Ciocanu (he was for a long period editor at „Hyperion” Publishing House, the only one where one could publish a book at that time) he revealed how the books of Renata Verejanu were published: „a page was left alone and then the next 2 ones were censored”… Each book of mine was haggled like one would haggle a cabbage… Becoming the director of the publishing house in the same time with the rising of perestroika, Ion Ciocanu decide to publish the 5 books of poems belonging to Renata Verejanu in one volume, almost an anthology (after 10 years since I presented the books at the publishing house, and, unfortunately, with cyrilic alphabet)… The volume’s title chosen by me was „Offering to Humanity”. After the publishing of that book, I read my poems like belonging to a stranger, and I saw some fine poet, which deserves respect. The critics didn’t hurry to say something good about me, but I didn’t really care, because the time itself has said its opinion. After tens of years in which my books were delayed by the political censorship, when that book was published, it were another tens of years the books were obstructed by economic censorship… And here last year, I made a financial effort and I have published nine books of poems in 3 volumes, in the colors of flag, in my collection… A unique and original collection, named „Offering to Humanity”, the same name like the so tortured anthology… In 2007, for the first time I participated with these 9 books at International Book Fair from National Library from Chisinau, where I obtained an award from the young newly elected Mayor of the capital.

M.V. The „Micul Prinţ” Magazine has 15 years old… In these years what have you offered to the children that were made that way by the „Micul Prinţ”?
R.V. I would like to underline that it is about 2 great programs with the same time – the „Micul Prinţ”, Magazine which in 2007 has celebrated its 15th anniversary… and International Festival-Contest „Micul Prinţ”, the 15th edition of whom will take place in 2008… Looking for talented children in Eastern Europe for international editorial staff of „Micul Prinţ” Magazine, in this way it was created an original dialogue between cultures and people, a contest which by now has discovered and promoted at local, national and international level over 50000 young talents from all continents. These two programs were the basis for creation of the World Organization of Talented Children (first international NGO with general headquarters in Moldova and participatory status with Council of Europe).

M.V. What does this status offers?
R.V. The NGOs with participatory status at Council of Europe, united in Conference of NGOs, is the 4th ruling body of Council of Europe. We are invited at the sessions from Strasbourg of Parliamentary Assembly, a very important thing for civil society from Moldova. By the way, until now I have created over 40 NGOs of local, national and international level in Moldova and other countries. Our youth can be a good example for all Europe of unpaid volunteer work…

M.V. A colleague of yours, from your literary circle, dedicated to 40th anniversary of your work, has said that Renata Verejanu has replaced the Culture Ministry, Education Ministry and Foreign Affairs Ministry all together…
R.V. In every joke it’s a little bit of truth…More seriously, the number of projects and programs launched by me and achieved by volunteers from WOTC network, without any financial support, is the proof that the people are telling the truth.

M.V. You travel often on the other bank of Prut river… How did the Romanians poets and readers welcomed you?
R.V. I think that I have spent more than a fortune for travel expenses that get bigger and bigger every day, so many times I travelled to Romania between 1996 and 2006, while my son studied at highschool, then university and, to be more time with him, I followed a doctoral program at Bucharest… Three years in a row, 1997-1999, I have implemented at Bucharest the International Festival-Contest „Micul Prinţ”… As a poet I didn’t made efforts to come in the first rows, as the „accepted lists” from Chisinau, with the same names, were forced also to Romanian reader and me, not belonging to any group or gang, I wasn’t in any of that lists… But I remember so warmly the meetings I had in Bucharest, Buzau, Petrosani, Tirgu Jiu, Bacau, Putna… They were fantastic… The people that read my books in cyrillic alphabet were happy to discover a poetry that wasn’t sucked from the finger, but it was a poetry that presented a destiny and a modern metaphora, like Anatol Codru said.

M.V. May be it is time, dear Renata, to be known better also by Romanian reader?
R.V. You’re right… The years pass… I have many poems that ought to be known by Romanian reader, from France, other countries… Why not? As an active representative of civil society I am well known in many European countries, and not only…

M.V. It is time to be known also as a poet…
R.V. Thanks. I am preparing for the Nobel award…

M.V. But I can’t return to Romania without a book from Renata Verejanu… I would like the last nine books in 3 volumes…and of course, if you could sign them…

Autograph: „Only the reader can make me famous…”
Online book
„Interviews”. 2007

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