30 December 2013

92 years old woman accepted Islam in Belgium

on 12:10:00 PM

Belgian "Noor" and who converted to Islam at the age of 92 years visited East and met with about 300 women from the people of the region at the invitation of the Cooperative Office for Call and Guidance in southern Dammam "Grass" in cooperation with the Cultural Center in Brussels and quoted them feelings about Islam in an evening dominated by love and communication and vitality and humor and the spirit of youth and tears of joy.

"Today" met b JOSETTE MARIE which changed its name to the "light" after Islam and scratched her story complete with the introduction of Islam in this advanced age, to confirm that life does not end after sixty or even seventy or eighty, but it starts with the ninetieth where tasted the beauty of Islam and the sweetness of faith , stressing that her life began in 2010 on the day guiding her to religion as saying: "I never thought in embracing Islam despite Mkhaltta of Muslims from many years but I was dealing with them all the respect and appreciation for them and their religious ceremonies in the month of Ramadan avoid visiting during the day and the scientific ethics Islamic necessitate them to provide hospitality to guests and I'd know they were both fasting do not want to Avtnem or Scratch Fraúdahm religious but on the contrary I appreciate this religion and interact with him where you bought meat and chicken shops Muslims because it slaughtered in the Islamic manner and make sure it's cleaner and purity, but the treatment Muslims are the main reason, even before that converted to Islam, divisional attitude of the Muslims in their dealings and respect for the elderly, especially as the Europeans when older parents prefer that Eodauhm Hospice to disavow responsibility I have seen Muslim passion for me and respect for non-Muslims Valqon greetings Ali and helping them to me in the affairs of life and I am still a Christian did not convert to Islam without any exchange or interest, and what surprised me the most having me by Lady Moroccan after my conversion to Islam in her Trani and her husband and her four children without any material reward only a matter of love and compassion for my age and mercy me to the large Sunni, and this is what Habbna in Islam and invited me to his conversion and say prayers,
And the problems encountered says Nour: "What more pained is my only daughter amounting The 74-year-old Christian and lives with her husband and four sons in France after hearing the news of my conversion to Islam disowned me, but claimed that I was dementia, said that Hospice is the most suitable place for me and speech this free health I remember events have occurred since the year 1930 and I can Asrdha, either Ahli French understanding of the family of aristocratic bourgeoisie interrupted me since I got married my husband Belgian poor and went with him to Belgium and now after learning Batnaqa of Islam Ahramtna of inheritance, and even the Belgian press accused me that I Tkadhit money for Islam.

On the reason for converting to Islam says: "Yes, maybe Aftrta and Srerta clean may God wrote me guidance and mercy Batnaqa of Islam, I am when I went on a visit to Morocco with Amadafti Fatima Moroccan saw a scene may cry for a family of grandparents and grandchildren everyone in the intimacy and love and respect and reverence for the great kissing the head and hands had tears in my eyes to the beauty of this Islam, and their relationship with her daughter says Nour: "I pray that God inspired guidance to convert to Islam, such as what inspired me and I am in this age great, and adds:" I was working a nanny to the children of Jews to teach them French have seen with my own eyes the difference between Islam and Judaism Islam is a religion not changed unlike other religions, and what they have done after converting to Islam, said: "Edith pilgrimage and refused to hired wheelchair and preferred wandering on my feet I able to do so and I'm not sick, I was previously unprotected hobby walking and swimming, in addition to that God has and helped me to the fasting month of Ramadan for two consecutive years, and adds: "I regret my life that have passed and I am not a Muslim real Fulladta since 2010 when converted to Islam, this is real life and the past was a loss.

As for the last security in life, says Nour: "I wish to return to Mecca and perform Umrah and die on the pure land and bury in the Muslim graveyard."