Judge who gave pervert Stuart Hall just 15 months was forced to quit after being caught visiting a gay brothel

  • Judge Anthony Russell QC criticised for 'unduly lenient' sentence
  • He resigned in 1996 in wake of gay brothel scandal, it emerges
  • Alleged to have entered 'dark room' with doctor and hospital porter
  • Later reinstated and rose up the ranks to become a senior judge

Caught out: Judge Anthony Russell was forced to quit after being caught visiting a gay brothel in 1996

Caught out: Judge Anthony Russell was forced to quit after being caught visiting a gay brothel in 1996

A judge who provoked outrage by jailing Stuart Hall for just 15 months for child sex offences once quit his post after being caught in a gay brothel.

Anthony Russell’s legal career looked to be over when he was forced to admit visiting the male-only sauna.

He was said to have gone into  a ‘dark room’ inside the club  with a leading doctor and a hospital porter.

Following a ‘sting’ by a Sunday newspaper in 1996, he resigned as part-time recorder of Bolton and gave up his position as the top lawyer for the Inland Revenue.

Five years later he was reinstated, however, and has since gone on to become a senior judge – the role in which he handed Hall his jail sentence last week.

Hall had admitted indecently assaulting 13 girls between 1967 and 1986, the youngest being just nine years old.

In passing sentence, Judge Russell, 62, made reference to the ‘darker side’ of the presenter’s life which he had kept hidden.

He said: ‘You have given pleasure to millions of people as a local television presenter in the North West, nationally in the It’s A Knockout series, and as a highly regarded sports commentator.

‘You were known for the genial personality, charm, bonhomie and wit which you displayed in these various roles.

‘However those who have admired you for these qualities and the general public now know that there is a darker side to you, one hidden from public view until now.

A side which you were able to conceal, taking advantage of your status as a well-liked celebrity.’

'Gay sauna': The Greenhouse club in Walsall, the West Midlands, now advertises itself as 'the UK's No1 gay sauna'

'Gay sauna': The Greenhouse club in Walsall, the West Midlands, now advertises itself as 'the UK's No1 gay sauna'

Emily Thornberry, Labour’s legal affairs spokesman, has said the 15-month sentence was ‘unduly lenient’.

Attorney General Dominic Grieve is now considering whether to refer it to the Court of Appeal for review.

Jailed: Judge Russell made reference to the 'darker side' of disgraced television presenter Stuart Hall's personality when sending him to prison

Jailed: Judge Russell made reference to the 'darker side' of disgraced television presenter Stuart Hall's personality when sending him to prison

Judge Russell admitted he visited the Greenhouse club in Walsall – now advertised as ‘the UK’s No1 gay sauna’ – but insisted the description of what went on inside was ‘factually inaccurate in some respects and exaggerated’.

He resigned after the revelations but in 2000 applied successfully to be reinstated.

Since then he has risen through the ranks to become one of the North West’s most senior judges.

In 2004, he was made a circuit judge and a year later a senior court judge for Preston Combined Court.

A spokesman for the judiciary said last night: ‘In April 1996 Judge Russell QC, who at that time sat as a part-time recorder, resigned his recordership following newspaper revelations regarding his private life.

‘He strongly disputed, and continues to dispute, the details of what is alleged to have happened inside the premises, although he admitted he did visit them.’

Judge Russell is set to preside over the trial of actor Bill Roache in January.

The 81-year-old actor, who plays Ken Barlow in Coronation Street, is accused of raping a 15-year-old girl in 1967 and indecently assaulting four girls aged between 11  and 16.