The Maybe class represents a deferred computation and emission of a single value, no value at all or an exception. The Maybe class implements the ...
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An object that may contain a value of type T . Similar to Java's Optional class but uses a fast checked exception instead of a slow unchecked exception.
This distro is specifically designed for running Java apps. It builds upon Alpine and features significant enhancements to excel in high-density container ...
Returns a Maybe that signals the events emitted by the source Maybe shifted forward in time by a specified delay running on the specified Scheduler. <U,V> Maybe ...
Aug 3, 2018 · RxJava Ninja: Single, Maybe and Completable · Introduction to Reactive Programming · Building your first Observables and Observers · In Depth ...
maybe ... Invokes supplier and wraps the returned object or thrown exception in a Maybe<T, E> . Unchecked exceptions will be immediately propagated without being ...
A Maybe<T> is iterable, which means you can use it with the for statement to extract a value and do something with it only if there is a value. class Customer { ...
Jan 11, 2018 · Single, Maybe and Completable are one or no emission of items. Single. Single is an Observable which only emits one item or throws an error.
The MayBe class represents deferred response. MayBe observable can emit either a single successful value or no value.