New Year brought New Changes for PrestaShop – Weekly Roundup

Wondering what to write in this New Year start-up season? We’ve chosen the PrestaShop weekly round-up for January 2015.

PrestaShop Ecommerce Open Source


PrestaShop lovers: the Emerchants and developers always looks for what’s new at the platform, so here is the PrestaShop Updates in January 2015- Weekly Roundup.The article covers the news of PrestaShop for last two weeks.

PrestaShop is among the rising popular eCommerce systems that enable you to make the online shop you’ve always imagined. It’s in fact already so popular, powering over 150, 000 ecommerce websites; also it has been honored Open Source award 2011 and Critics’ Choice CMS Awards 2014.

And no wonder: it’s also been translated into 43 languages and has over 2, 000 Presta modules and templates, therefore can be applied for almost any type of eCommerce website, everywhere you want.

If you want to start a web-based store, there’s never been a good time for you to do this. Now-a-days, there are a lot of diverse applications you can use to develop a good quality online shop; you will be feeling stress while taking the decision that which one will give good result to suit your needs. From hosted solutions like Shopify and WordPress to a separate eCommerce CMS, there’s choices for your need.

Now, let’s take a look at some new updates in PrestaShop in the first two weeks of January 2015.

PrestaShop Newer Version


PrestaShop has released their newer version that is on 7th January 2015. Many new features are included in this version. Some of the updates are given here in the bullet points:

  • Tax rounding and management.
  • Handling Related price ranges including VAT taxes
  • New Costa Rica localize language package.
  • Handling back-office orders in index mode.
  • Significant improvement in Wish list module.
  • Revised taxes for Canada.

More information of this update is given in this link. PrestaShop Update Information

PrestaShop Calendar for 2015


PrestaShop has given a complete calendar for the year 2015 at 8th January 2015. This calendar is available at the PrestaShop blog. E-merchants can download it and can get benefit according to their desire. Main elements of this calendar are given here;

  • Showing peak periods of the year in a circular calendar.
  • 8 countries included (France, Spain, the US, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and Poland)
  • 12 Secrets revealed by merchants on 12 pages
  • 52 ecommerce tips
  • 327 audits of online stores

PrestaShop Forum Maintenance and Closure


PrestaShop forum remains closed for 48 hours starting from January 13, 2015 to January 15th January 2014 as mentions on the official PrestaShop forum.

Quote by “Xavier du Tertre” the same here: “Our Community forum will be under maintenance from Tuesday, Jan. 13th to Thursday, Jan. 15th. We apologize for the inconvenience and we’re excited to bring you an even better Community experience!


All the updates by PrestaShop in the start of this year are very good specially the new look of PrestaShop forum is awesome. We will be here with a new round up next week. Stay tuned.

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