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Blue Balls

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From USA Today bestselling author RC Boldt...

Truth: A painful condition caused by a prolonged state of sexual arousal without release. 
Myth: Only affects males.
I’m beyond frustrated with the man who’s left me high and very far from dry. Multiple times. But, somehow, even though I’m not interested in a relationship, Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome keeps me coming back for more—one crazy, sexual debacle after the next.
Come hell or high water, the stars will align, and the release will be out of this world.  
I’m captivated with the woman who’s left me sixty-nine shades of blue, and she's only in this for one thing. The first time, I blew it—and not in the good way—but I’m going to ensure we finally see it through. I need to put an end to this “plague” of sexual calamities and prove to Sarah that we can have more.

It's time to grab the universe by the balls and show it who's boss.  


First published August 8, 2017

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About the author

R.C. Boldt

31 books1,903 followers
RC Boldt is a USA Today bestselling author currently living in part of the Costa Rican jungle with the love of her life and her mini-me.
If you're in the mood for some killer homemade mojitos or can't recall the lyrics to a particular 80's song, she's your girl.  


RC is not regularly active on Goodreads but if you're looking for updated release dates and book information, please check out her website at http://www.rcboldtbooks.com or follow her on Facebook and Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/rcboldtauthor

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Profile Image for ⊱✿⊰ Alicia ⊱✿⊰ .
556 reviews452 followers
August 7, 2017
4 For The Laughs Stars

BLUE BALLS: A painful condition caused by a prolonged state of sexual arousal without release.
MYTH: Only affects males.

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Straight off the bat you know this is going to be one crazy read. Not only because of the title which is brilliant by the way, but because it starts in Sarah's head with her insane inner dialogue. Why is blue balls such a brilliant name for this book? Because by the end of it you'll be suffering from them hehe.

Sarah is fresh out of nursing school ready for what life will throw at her anything that is except a relationship, she is determined to avoid one of those at all cost.

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Sarah is of the charts funny and a little crazy, she is a nympho that seems to be constantly thinking about sex especially when it comes to Jack. These two just can't seem to get it together, every time they get close to the good stuff something crazy happens. Don't get me wrong I found all the 'crazy' things really funny but it did get frustrating.
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I loved the prank Sarah with Jack's phone, changing out the words like that. Not sure how you do that or if you can but it was so funny. Speaking of Jack he, he grew up as a pocket protector nerd until he meeting Ry, Sarah's best friends fiance in college who helped transform him into the sexy cool guy he is now. Jack is super sweet and you can see the poor guy is so smitten with Sarah but is also scared. I wouldn't say no to a guy that looked like Jack and bought me a pair of Jimmy Choo's and matching clutch because he said I deserved them for working so hard!!! (swoon).

If you are looking for a book that is all fun and may test your frustration levels at times then this is it. WARNING: Don't read this in public or you'll look like a tool laughing to yourself like I did ;)

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➳ ➳ 📚 Reviewed on behalf of the 1-Click Addict Support Group ➳ ➳
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,706 followers
August 17, 2017

3.5 chasing the orgasm stars

➦This was my first book by R.C. Boldt but I've had my eye on her work for a while now. One thing I like is that she comes up with original ideas for her romcoms. Even these covers are hard to ignore - they sure do stand out.

➦I found this read to be thoroughly entertaining, albeit not as funny as I was expecting. These two main characters were trying real hard to do the deed and kept failing.

➦If I didn't feel exhausted by these events I would have felt bad for this fictional couple. :D In all honesty, I think the book didn't need to have this many orgasm fails and instead should have concentrated on developing the characters more. I never completely fell in love with the hero because I felt like he was underdeveloped. I really didn't know much about him even at the end of the story. I did like him because of his actions throughout the book but some background would have been amazeballs.

➦Anywho, if you're looking for a romcom with an original trope then this would be it. Will these two have their happy ending?

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Profile Image for The Book Bee.
567 reviews276 followers
August 9, 2017
"Sweet baby Moses in the river. I'm in fear of having perpetually hard nipples and soaked panties around this man. Do they have support groups for this kind of thing?"

It's a great day when you can say any book was IT and this one was it!! I needed this book SO bad! This book has to be the best romantic comedy I have read all year. I thought Clam Jam was funny, but I have to admit that Blue Balls was the most absolute perfect follow up for secondary characters EVERRRR. Ever. EVER. Now, you don't have to read Clam Jam before reading this one, but I would highly recommend that you do for a number of reasons. Mainly because Clam Jam was funny AF and it gives us the beginning for Jack and Sarah's relationship....the basis for their characters.

RC Boldt is a special brand of funny. She just has this knack for putting you at ease in a situation that could be completely embarrassing, but is most definitely comical. The dynamic and relationship between Sarah and Jack was effortless. The story never dragged between the two of them and I never felt like I was waiting for it to continue on. When we were in Sarah's POV, it was as if she was talking directly to us and I loved the way she just laid it all out there. I'm totally giggling thinking about it!! This book read like one long girls night out conversation that you can't help but find yourself laughing at. So freaking funny.

But to Sarah's sarcasm and wit comes Jack's sincerity and charm. Oh, he's witty too, don't get me wrong. But what struck me most was his disarming character along with his honesty and integrity. He was ALL man, and he makes you just sigh because he was most definitely a gentleman under all that sex appeal. Oh! And he's a professional button pusher with a sexy smile. Yep. He knew all the buttons to push, whether to make her laugh, smile, swoon, or melt. He pushed them all. Holy cow. I loved him SO much!! This was a hilarious account of perpetual blue balls. I laughed my way through this entire book, but more importantly....I swooned hard. Jack is what every gentleman should strive to be like. Naughty and nice. Polite and pervy. Sexy and sweet. Just perfect!

I know I keep grinding on about how funny this one was, but there was some honest depth to this one as well. I really love the way RC tells a story and she is fast becoming a must read author for me. I haven't read anything by her I didn't like and I have enjoyed her infusion of sincerity and comedy in all of her books. Did I make myself clear? This one was so damn funny. I can't even explain it....just so freaking funny! But man, it was so sexy and HOT too. Perfectly balanced book for me. I highly recommend this one.

REALITY: I was giggling so bad that I ended up waking up my husband in the middle of the night. I seriously couldn't stop. Like, shake-the-bed-while-you're-trying-to-be-respectful-of-the-time giggling. Bahaha! This book was worth it and I couldn't put it down! THIS IS A MUST READ BOOK and is now on my Favorites List for 2017. The title for this one was the literal definition for the WHOLE STORY....it was aptly named. This book is why I love reading. The unexpected perfection in a story like this one? RC is a great writer; witty and spontaneous, with off the cuff comedy.

"You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."

AMAZON: http://amzn.to/2wrlsTT
B&N: http://bit.ly/2tqeoYc
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2uTHWvu
iBooks: http://apple.co/2tyVfSj

Profile Image for Chasing The Words  Book Blog.
301 reviews17 followers
July 22, 2017
Blue Balls...
Blue Balls...
Blue Balls...


Laugh Out Loud...
Pee In Your Pants...
(just wear depends...it's ok I won't judge)
Romantic Comedy...

I swear I want to jump in the book and be a fly on the wall. I haven't laughed, chuckled or shook my head thinking "really did that just happen" in such a long time with a book. Again, I just can't. HILLARIOUS!!!!

I can't take it! The text messages between Jack and Sarah - Blue Balls - just PRICELESS!!! Every moment with them was like FATE saying nope not happening tonight let's try this instead.

Then Sarah and her F'in inner dialogue. I could vividly picture her in her head with her arms flaying around and cocking her head from side to the side being all dramatic. Just HILLARIOUS!!!! Seriously I just can't.

R.C. Boldt, I was totally 100% obsessed with this book and it was just what I needed every night after a stressful day at work. If I could give it more then 5 Stars I would. I thought I loved Jack and Sarah in Clam Jam but I think I truly fell in love with them in Blue Balls.

I loved this book to pieces...just one-click it. You won't be disappointed- come in now the book is about BLUE BALLS.
Profile Image for Amber - TBR Book Blog.
1,235 reviews50 followers
August 8, 2017
This book is so ridiculous but that's what makes it that much more hysterical! As I read it, I kept thinking there's no way all these things can happen but that just makes the story THAT much more believable. Because everyone knows when you're 'that' close, an interruption and the resulting blue balls, feel like the end of the world. I was feeling the frustration along with Sarah and Jack.

If you read Clam Jam, Maggie and Ry's story, you've met Sarah and Jack. Well this is their story. And what a story. I haven't read CJ but I will be!!!

Sarah and Jack have had chemistry since their BFF's hooked up and are getting married. And every time they get close to acting on it, something happens. So yes, maybe they aren't meant to hook up. But they make such great friends, that just have off the charts chemistry, and don't want to date anyone else.

Definitely a feel good, make you laugh out loud and shake your head read.

Profile Image for Love & Lavender Book Review.
484 reviews38 followers
August 5, 2017
Blue Balls is a romantic comedy at it’s finest. Full of lovable characters, randy shenanigans, howl-out-loud hilarious embarrassing moments and the possibility of love. Once I dove into Blue Balls, I could not stop reading. Ever chance I got, I was hunkered down with this book, giggling my fool head off. I mean I seriously could not keep it together. It got embarrassing for me on the bus when I’m laughing/snorting out loud trying to keep it together.

So whilst, yes, it’s incredibly funny, there are SO MANY endearing things about this book too. I totally loved each character. I haven’t read Clam Jam YET (you’ll add it to the top of your TBR too when done Blue Balls), I wasn’t lost because this could definitely be a standalone. There’s so many cute nuances about Jack and Ry’s history included in Maggie and Ry’s story that's it has definitely jumped to the top of my TBR.

Jack's cuteness level is off the chart. He's the perfect build-a-boyfriend!! Full of sweetness, total smarty pants, funny, fun loving, giving and ever so patient. He's the kind of guy you can take home to mom but he'll do dirty things to you in your childhood bedroom. See - perfect balance. He's the nerd turned hottie that doesn't know it. He's so down to earth, looking for the girl to love.

Sarah is ball busting funny. Her inner dialogue is like nothing I've ever read. She's just the most dynamic character I've read in a long time. She's written so animated but yet so relateable.

Jack and Sarah together are the perfect couple with the worst comedy of errors when they try to hook up. However that never deters then from not trying again and again. At every turn, I hoped this would finally be THE time when everything would come together. I loved the development of their relationship. Jack absolutely made me swoon.

Blue Balls hit it out of the park for me. The level of comedy and swooning was outstanding. I will definitely be reading more by RC Boldt. Definitely add this book to your must read list!!!

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,846 reviews1,458 followers
August 2, 2017
Blue Balls is a hilarious spin off of R.C. Boldt's Clam Jam as we follow Jack and Sarah on a crazy whirlwind of sexcapades that never really happen. This novel was so funny, heartwarming and sexy. I might even have a crush on Jack as he is a perfectly awkward, endearing and smoking hot hero who has a thing for our heroine. Together these two lit up my Kindle and had my face hurting from smiling from ear to ear.

As the respective best friends of Ry and Maggie from Clam Jam, we had an idea of how awesome these characters were but in Blue Balls we find out just how amazing these characters are together. Battling a case of spine tingling attraction, when Jack and Sarah decide to become more than friends IT.WAS.ON. The buildup is fantastic and just as these two are about to seal the deal every time, enter a serious case of blue balls. If it's not a fire alarm or a serious case of wasabi mouth on nether regions (YES, you read correctly LOL), there is always a reason for their incessant "almost all the way" interruptions. But what happens when Sarah's serious fear of committment puts the brakes on their love story? Will Jack be able to show her that they are truly the exception to her no commitment rule?

I seriously loved this novel.  Maggie was fantastic in Clam Jam but Sarah was honestly out of this world amazing in this novel. She was so strong, sassy and sexy. I wanted to be her best friend. And Gah!! Jack was EVERYTHING! He was strong, sexy, awkward and so honest. I absolutely loved this novel and felt it was the perfect combination of lighthearted romance and poignant emotional scenes and an all-around feel good romance. We were able to get lost in an outstanding love story with ALLLL the amazing banter, feels and chemistry! Bravo! 4.5 Stars! ~Ratula


This is probably the third time I’ve said that an RC Boldt book is my new favorite. And, no disrespect to my previous favorites, but I think that Blue Balls might be my new favorite RC Boldt book.

Actually, maybe they’re all my favorites for different reasons, but when it comes to the romantic comedies? Blue Balls is the real deal, y’all. It’s laugh-out-loud funny in a way that was sometimes awkward when it hit me in public places (sorry everyone on my commuter bus!); it’s heartfelt in a way that sneaks up on you and before you know it you’re sighing and swooning without ever seeing it coming; and it features a heroine who is basically my spirit animal as well as a hero who seems to have been crafted just for me.

So, I’m standing by my (possibly slightly over-used) declaration: this book is my new favorite RC Boldt book.

Sarah and Jack are perfect together. I mean, there are lots of obstacles standing in their way – the title on this book is no joke. These two do a lot of, erm, suffering in the name of love (or at least in the name of sexy times) – but in the middle of all the painful *ahem* blue balls, there develops this genuine, sweet, adorable relationship. The sweetness hits in moments and scenes, surrounded by some steamy hot chemistry and a whole lot of bawdy humor that never crossed a line for me – which is impressive. Bawdy doesn’t always work for me, but I’m not kidding about all the times I laughed out loud. This book is funny and Ms. Boldt somehow makes bawdy charming which…might be magic. For real.

Can we also just talk about how Jack was basically the best hero of all time? Based on what we got of him in Clam Jam I hadn’t expected his character to be written the way he was but, holy cats you guys – I found him completely irresistible. If I could create a dream hero he would basically look a lot like Jack. I adored him – in every capacity. As a human, as a friend, and probably especially how he treated Sarah. He is simply the best.

Speaking of Clam Jam, those of us who fell in love with Maggie and Ry in that book will be delighted with the time we get to spend with them in Blue Balls. It was an extra treat getting to see their story continue to involve on the periphery of Sarah and Jack’s story. The whole thing worked for me – it made me happy and swoony and the ending could not have been more perfect. I loved it so much. So, sorry other favorite RC Boldt books, looks like we have a new champ (I mean, at least for now). ~ Shelly, 4.5 Stars
Profile Image for 2OCC Reviews.
3,476 reviews247 followers
August 7, 2017
Marie's Review

I have wanted to read R.C. Boldt forever! All of her books appeal to me in one way or another. Blue Balls is the one that I got to read first and I am so happy that I did. This book had me rolling on the floor with its humor and as it unfolded I got caught up in the sweetness of the storyline. It is just the beginning of my obsession with R.C. Boldt’s writing because I’ll definitely be going back for more.

Sarah, who steers away from commitment leads the way in this laugh out loud story. She is hilarious in her inner dialogue and her conversations with her vagina had me laughing so hard while on an airplane that I think everyone thought I was nuts.

Jack easily became one of my newest book boyfriends. I have a soft spot for hot nerdy guys. Everything he did to show Sarah that he wanted more with her touched my heart.

Together the two of them and their journey was everything you could want in a book. The push/pull, the chemistry and the comedy of errors that Ms. Boldt has woven into their storyline is amazing.

5 Stars


Jessica's Review

When I read this author's other romcom Clam Jam, I loved it. I was so excited to hear about this book. She can write her other books with such beauty, and her RomComs with amazing humor.

Sarah was awesome. She was open and honest and didn't care what others througt. When I was in her head it was vivid and I could picture it all. I want to be like her when I grow up.

Jack was so hot, in a nerdy, strange kind of way. (Just kidding, a little) I love how much he cares about Sarah. He didn't give up when he knew what he wanted, even when he did start to give up, he kept going.

I laughed so hard with this book. Not only from the title but every funny thing that happens in this sort was perfect. Light on the drama, high in the humor. I love all the strange jokes the author added into this book.

I really, this book was fun and and light hearted and I read it in one sitting. The writing was impeccable and I can't wait to see if this author writes us another Rom-Com in the future. I would love to see Clint get a book! 5 stars #2OCCJD
Profile Image for Angie.
68 reviews3 followers
August 12, 2017
Read and Reviewed for Twisted Bitches Book Blog.

That moment you find a new author, read her book and absolutely fall in love with her style of writing.....YUP that "...sweet heavens I love these characters" moment. That was exactly the feeling I was left with after reading Blue Balls by RC Boldt. This book spoke to me on SO many levels. I could literally tally off check marks as to some of the experiences and situations these two characters found themselves in. It's as if she, the author has had conversations with some close kin and was privy to the details of my relationship mishaps.

Enter Sarah who isn't interested in a relationship at all. Past failed sexy times has left her feeling more like the muse for the Stones song, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction..' So now it's more a "ask not what I can do for you....but what can you do for my hoo-ha!" kinda life she is living. That is her definition of a satisfying 'relationship'......a happy hoo-ha. What you ask has turned her a smidge selfish in the sex department. Well when you have to ask...'is it in' to the guy you need a magnifying glass to see his winky, or the guy with the 'pretzel winky' that for the love of pete couldn't hit any good spots even if he had Dr. Ruth giving him instructions....well folks, that tends to make you quite selective and yes a smidge selfish in the sex department. Funny how quickly the tides turn.

Enter the oh so sexy, panty melting, hot as blue blazes Jack. Yes, she has met Jack before....he was the 'gay boyfriend' of her best friends fiancé. Yup, you read that right. Now you wanna know the whole story, don't ya!!!! Jack would love nothing more than a few heated moments with the lovely Sarah. They aren't strangers, by no means. They've hung out together....their best friends are getting married (yes, the "gay" ex-boyfriend...you still wanna know that story as well, don't you).

They both get that chance, that hot as all get out moment at a party held for their friends. A dark corner, a ready and willing Sarah, a hard hot and ready Jack .......and queue the Stones song!! In walks someone to abruptly stop their tryst. A hot touchy feely cab ride, a lil' nip here and there, toss in a lil' kink action......and queue the Stones once again! You see where this is going?? Blue Balls is a chronic condition shared by both Sarah and Jack. You find yourself as a reader mentally grabbing your old pom poms from high school and beginning a cheer each time the author heats the pages up with some delicious sexy time that only ends in yet another failed attempt for one or the other.

"You guys are just like two Calamity Janes trying to navigate your way to the elusive Orgasm Island."...."Or two Magoos, blindly fumbling your way to Bang-Bang-ville..."

Sarah finds herself drawn to Jack in more ways than she is ready for or willing to admit. Sarah is quite the stubborn lady.

"What is it about you......that makes me want to be at your beck and call? I mean, not serving you bacon, eggs and pancakes__"

She reminds herself, she does not do relationships. It's not worth the pain that one day will happen. Jack, however, has other plans in mind. He knows there is more to explore. He knows that wall she has built will crumble, because he will continue to chip away at it. He knows the feelings that are growing are more than a casual friendship. The questions is, will Sarah ever see the same?

"Simply thinking of the dreaded "R" word makes me feel like I'm one Adele song away from overeating myself to death on Dunkin Donuts."

Do they remedy the ole' Blue Balls situation? Does Jack enlighten Sarah in the art of real satisfaction and have her changing the theme song of her life to Keith Sweats, "Nobody" because nobody can do it like Jack??? More importantly, does Jack show Sarah that there is more to life than what she has destined for herself. That she is worth every interruption, every mishap and that the road they have traveled has been towards a life together....not just failed attempts for a moment of blissful satisfaction.

OH MY WORD!!! I LOVED this book. I literally could not put it down and even read it twice!!! The banter between the main characters Jack and Sarah was phenomenal. I love that the author gave insight into their pasts, this helps the reader see how instances from their youth factor into their adult lives.....why they hold some self doubt in regards to relationships!! The host of supporting characters just added to the complete hilarity of this book. I found myself reading parts to my husband because I couldn't contain my laughter and he HAD to know what was so dang funny! If you love a good romcom, one that truly keeps you laughing out loud, has those 'burning up the sheets' moments, add those that just make you sigh....then this is the book for you!!!!
Profile Image for Roxs Reads.
740 reviews1 follower
July 30, 2017
Hilariously funny! This story is a laugh a minute and had me snorting out loud while shaking my head in disbelief. The events that happen to this couple are totally possible making them easy to relate to but so very unfortunate. To have only one happen would be embarrassing and have you wondering if someone is out to get you but when you experience them all, it’s no wonder the universe is questioned.

Sarah and Jack may not have much luck when it comes to sealing the deal but what they lack in finesse, they totally make up for in relationship building, chemistry, and sexual tension. The best thing they can do is learn to laugh at their circumstances and all the craziness that comes their way while they spend the time in between the shenanigans getting to know each other and creating beautiful memories to tell their children.

I don’t often read romantic comedies and this was my first book by RC Boldt. I must say it was so refreshing to know I was in for some fun and I was able to sit back and relax knowing if any tears fell, they would be tears of laughter instead of angst and pain. Very rarely will I discuss a book with my hubby but I kept him in the loop every step of the way so I could share my laughter. Blue Balls is chocked full of very ‘memorable’ moments that had us laughing together in enjoyment.

Hilariousness aside, I really and truly enjoyed this couple and their story. They are a match made specifically to complete the other half. Jack is basically every girls’ dream man. Caring, loving, kind, thoughtful, hot, sexy, and ready to settle down. He has found his other half and the lengths he goes to show Sarah he means business are over the top swoon-worthy. Jack hasn't always been this way though. He grew up on the nerdy side of the tracks and even though he has turned out smoking hot, when he looks in the mirror, he still envisions that little boy with glasses and no self-esteem. He hasn't had much experience with relationships yet either, so even though he looks like he is all put together, he has lots to learn. This turns out to be part of the fun.

Sarah is not so sure that love and marriage are for her so Jack has his job cut out for him. Not only does Sarah have past experiences to draw upon in her defense of her “no relationship” rule, she now has the many failed attempts between her and Jack as well as her well-documented sinful behaviour by a decidedly stalkerish nun. Will Jack ever convince Sarah that he is the guy for her and that falling in love doesn’t have to be terrifying and forbidden?

After reading Blue Balls, I realized this was a spin-off book to Clam Jam where Sarah and Jack’s best friends Maggie and Ry were featured. I didn’t feel lost or like I needed to read Clam Jam first at any point. Author RC Boldt gave just enough info to have me fairly intrigued about Jack and his cupcake Ry. It sounds just as hilarious as Blue Balls was and I’ll be reading that book in the near future.

Blue Balls was written in dual POV and the flow between the two is perfect. Each scene basically continues on from the view point of one to the eyes of the other and it enhances the mood and levity or enormity of each chapter. Written in first person present tense fit this book perfectly. Sarah specifically talks with the reader right alongside as her brain is thinking. This interaction with the reader was fun. It helped to engage me, keep me laughing, and I felt like Sarah was my very own BFF throughout this story. I totally recommend this to anyone that enjoys romantic comedy and is not embarrassed to laugh out loud while reading.

I’m giving Blue Balls 4.5 stars but here is why I’m avoiding the 5. Obviously, this book is all about how sealing the deal NEVER happens for these two and I thoroughly enjoyed it but so many times when I thought FINALLY they are going to make it happen and then, NOPE! There are more crazy shenanigans coming their way (the last one made be chuckle since something like that recently happened to me and my hubby) It wasn’t that there were too many times, that was actually so funny, but I would have loved to see one last scene where the deal is sealed and Sarah embraces the love she has with Jack. Poor Mr. BB deserved it even though he was willing to suffer his whole life as long as he got to be with her, he deserved more. I almost feel guilty doing this because I really loved the book, the last chapter and the epilogue are both amazing as well, there was just that one little thing missing for me. I’m all for the slow burn but let me bathe in the aftermath just a bit when the burn is set afire.
Profile Image for Booked & Busy Book Blog.
927 reviews33 followers
July 31, 2017
Blue Balls is a hilarious book that had me laughing my ass off! The events that happen to Sarah and Jack are so funny and totally relatable!! By the middle of the book, I did start questioning whether or not the universe was transpiring against them!!

Sarah doesn’t believe in love and marriage. It didn’t work for her parents, so why would it work for her? It’s just easier to go out and have fun. Sarah works hard, enjoys life, and loves her friends (Maggie and Ry from Clam Jam). Yet, Sarah has always been insanely attracted to Jack and when the timing is finally right, it’s time to act upon it! What’s a little fun between friends??

Jack is every woman’s fantasy. He is caring, thoughtful, sexy, a hard worker and is ready to find the woman of his dreams. Jack was bullied for being a nerd in school and still hasn’t quite found his way with women yet. Jack hasn’t had much experience with relationships, but when he meets Sarah, all bets are off. Jack has found the woman he’s been looking for and that woman happens to be Sarah. The lengths that Jack goes to to show her she’s the one???? Swoon worthy beyond belief (men need to take note)!!

Sarah and Jack just can’t catch a break! The chemistry and sexual tension is OFF THE CHARTS HOT!! It was hysterical to see them work through each circumstance that presented itself and how they laughed it off and just kept moving forward, building their relationship as they went on.

I love romcoms and this is one of the best! I have never read RC Boldt but I will most definitely be reading Clam Jam (the book before Blue Balls) soon!!!
Profile Image for Laura Hampton.
641 reviews36 followers
August 7, 2017
This is the first book that I have read by Boldt and it definitely will not be my last. Where has she been hiding? There are just to many books on my TBR and the fact that I read and review so many, makes it hard at time to keep up with new-to-me-authors. Boldt definitely delivers and awesome, laugh out loud, sexy, rom-com. I now have to try and find time to read more of her work!

If the title doesn't catch your eye and the blurb doesn't hook you then you need your head examined. Blue Balls is hysterical! Sarah has lusted after Jack for far to long and when they find themselves as the maid of honor and best man at their friends wedding, Sarah's need to mount the man increases tenfold...LOL

The banter between the two of them is dynamite! They are both witty, strong, lovable characters. Sarah isn't afraid to finally go after what and who she wants and then when it ends, you guessed it, with Blue Balls, let the hysterics ensue. These two have pussyfooted around their attraction for one another for a long time and the fact that they can't even make it through their first time together will have you rolling with laughter and then jumping back in for more.

Can Sarah and Jack finally find a way to make things work between them or will they both be stuck with a bad case of Blue Balls? I loved every minute of this quick, sexy, snarky, rom-com and I look forward to reading more of Boldt's work. Blue Balls is well written, engaging and Awesome! Go grab your copy and pull up your favorite chair and dive into this awesome, quick read and see what it is that I loved about Sarah and Jack!

5 iScream Cones
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews744 followers
August 6, 2017
This was a fun book. I had fun following Sarah and Jack around. They were lively characters with interesting stories and their interactions were very amusing. Those two were clearly attracted to each other but their case was like an eternal case of blue balls. Loved guys teasing each other!

I found the author's style to be really readable and the book to be easy reading, but I struggled to keep the momentum going because I felt that most of the characters could have done with a bit more fleshing out. The characters lacked a certain depth for me. I am rating this as an OK, based on the fact that the plot was intricate and well thought out. The book itself was very well written and easy to follow. However, it will not go on my list of favorite books.

In short:
Hero 3/5 | Heroine 3/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 4/5 | Writing Style 4/5 | Steam 4/5 | Romance 3/5 | Angst-Suspense 4/5 | Darkness 0/5 | Humor 4/5 | Secondary Characters 3/5 | Drama-Conflict 4/5 | Mystery 0/5 | Twists 3/5 | Pacing Fast | Action 3/5

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Profile Image for Beneath The Covers Blog.
1,512 reviews504 followers
August 5, 2017
This was my first R.C. Boldt read, and it sure won't be my last!

Blue Balls caught my attention just by the title alone, and kept me captivated throughout the entire story! Hilarious, witty, and oozing with charm, the storyline was exceptional and definitely in a league of it's own.

Sarah and Jack were comedic gold! Their interactions together were beyond anything I expected. Not only is their connection completely entertaining, but their personalities shown the brightest when together.

An entirely push and pull relationship, it's easy to relate to Sarah's hesitancy to have anything to do with Jack. The first time they're finally able to be together, it ends in disaster....or more appropriately, blue balls. So why try again, right? But that's exact what Jack does...try and try again. Each hook up seems to be more frustrating than the last. And you can't help but wonder if each time will be THE time, or what ridiculous situation Sarah and Jack will find themselves in next.

The romantic aspect of Blue Balls was utterly endearing, and you'll catch yourselves with hearts in your eyes and butterflies in your stomach. The unique dynamic between Sarah and Jack drove the story forward, immersing the reader in the HEA outcome you hope the characters will have. Incredibly well written, this book will make you laugh out loud and swoon hard, all at the same time!

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.* ~Kelly
Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews483 followers
December 3, 2017
4 For The Laughs Stars

BLUE BALLS: A painful condition caused by a prolonged state of sexual arousal without release.
MYTH: Only affects males.

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Straight off the bat you know this is going to be one crazy read. Not only because of the title which is brilliant by the way, but because it starts in Sarah's head with her insane inner dialogue. Why is blue balls such a brilliant name for this book? Because by the end of it you'll be suffering from them hehe.

Sarah is fresh out of nursing school ready for what life will throw at her anything that is except a relationship, she is determined to avoid one of those at all cost.

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Sarah is of the charts funny and a little crazy, she is a nympho that seems to be constantly thinking about sex especially when it comes to Jack. These two just can't seem to get it together, every time they get close to the good stuff something crazy happens. Don't get me wrong I found all the 'crazy' things really funny but it did get frustrating.
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I loved the prank Sarah with Jack's phone, changing out the words like that. Not sure how you do that or if you can but it was so funny. Speaking of Jack he, he grew up as a pocket protector nerd until he meeting Ry, Sarah's best friends fiance in college who helped transform him into the sexy cool guy he is now. Jack is super sweet and you can see the poor guy is so smitten with Sarah but is also scared. I wouldn't say no to a guy that looked like Jack and bought me a pair of Jimmy Choo's and matching clutch because he said I deserved them for working so hard!!! (swoon).

If you are looking for a book that is all fun and may test your frustration levels at times then this is it. WARNING: Don't read this in public or you'll look like a tool laughing to yourself like I did ;)

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-Alicia, 4 Stars
Profile Image for Grey.
442 reviews47 followers
August 23, 2017
3.5 stars for this wickedly naughty, tongue-in-cheek romcom. A first of this author's work for me, her writing style was clean and flowed well.
Profile Image for A Book Lover's Emporium Book Blog.
2,814 reviews165 followers
July 23, 2017
What a freaking hilarious read! I enjoyed every moment of this book and could not put it down. I laughed until I had tears in my eyes. The situations these two found themselves in were down right horrible and oh so funny. I had to put my Kindle down several times and yell for my husband to read parts.

This book follows Sarah and Jack and I just wanted to shake Sarah at times!! I just wanted her to open her eyes and see what exactly was in front of her but I did understand her issues. I fell in love with Jack from the beginning. He was so easy to love.

I did not read Clam Jam so I came into this story with no expectations. It is easy to read without having read the other book. I do want to go back and read it though because I have to see the story about “cupcake".

R.C. Boldt is becoming a go to author for me to read. I highly recommend this book; hell, I recommend ALL of her books. The writing was spot on, the storyline flowed and was something I hadn’t read before. It’s such a fun, flirty, sexy and sweet read. Go one click now!
Profile Image for Emily Goodman.
1,070 reviews37 followers
June 13, 2017
Blue Balls by RC Boldt is a fun loving, laugh out loud romantic comedy centered around a couple who try as they might can’t seem to get over their romantic mishaps to seal the deal. Boldt takes her readers on a gut-busting romantic bender with Sarah, a self professed non-believer of love and Jack, the nerdy dude who turned hot but doesn’t have a clue about women. Boldt first introduced us to these two characters in her last romantic comedy release, Clam Jam. Now, you don’t have to read Clam Jam to follow Jack and Sarah’s story. However, it is the book that made me fall in love with Boldt’s stories and you’ll get quite a few laughs from these characters shenanigans.

In Blue Balls, Jack and Sarah are trying to make good on all that heavy flirting and lust filled looks. However, no matter how hard they try life and probably a few stalker nuns get in the way. This book is filled with sexy love scenes gone wrong, however Boldt has wrote them in such a way that they are relatable. Even if you, yourself won’t necessarily admit it could’ve happened to you. :)

Now, this book isn’t all about the sexy love scenes. Boldt also included a slow build of romance between Jack and Sarah. Jack is the guy we women all hope for. He is sweet, kind, caring, loyal. Trust me, I could effortlessly describe all the ways in which Jack was perfect, but I will spare you and let you fall for him yourself. Sarah & Jack’s relatable romance completely drew me in with each page turn. Their hesitancy, push and pull of feelings and near misses of what ifs had me completely falling in love with their characters and the feelings between them.

Boldt is one of those go to authors who makes your day feel brighter. Her rom-com romances are some of my favorites. Blue Balls was exactly what I hoped for and more. I highly encourage that you check out Boldt, Blue Balls and all her other wonderful novels. I have no doubt that you’ll walk away happier and a fan for life.
Profile Image for Whitney Cannavina.
Author 8 books130 followers
July 28, 2017
I received an ARC for an honest review.
Review by Country Gals Book Blog

Sarah isn't looking for anything serous. With Jack, it's supposed to be hot sweaty sex but instead each time they try to get dirty something inevitably stops them. Case in point: blue balls.

Jack wants more with Sarah than she is willing to give. But no matter how many times he never gets to finish, he's just holy that he has Sarah for now. But the longer they spend time together the more he falls. Now he just has to make her fall with him.

I have to say that this story is full of epic frustration... for the couple. I had fun reading this book laughing through every mishap and enjoying the fun and easy banter between the the characters. The author did an excellent job with this story and I can't wait for more.
Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,193 reviews324 followers
August 26, 2017

Remember Maggie and Ry from the first book Clam Jam by RC Boldt? Well, Blue Balls feature the story of their best friends Sarah and Jack. Maggie and Ry are still featured quite prominently in Blue Balls as they are getting ready for their wedding and Sarah and Jack are the Maid of Honour and Best Man. They also have this sparkling chemistry between them, but every time they have tried to consummate and did the deed, something happens, and they never seem to be able to have sex leaving them both with Blue Balls as yes, females can get a case of Blue Balls as well. You know the type where a guy has turned you on, and you are sexually aroused, and then it's like he hasn't satisfied you, so you have to finish yourself off. That feeling. I have to admit during this book; I had to say that I started to feel sorry for both Sarah and Jack as truly every single time someone interrupted their start of coitus. I did love the flower scene where as a gift Jack buys Sarah a flower which resembles blue balls, and the English translation is Blue Balls. This reminded me of that movie with Will Ferrell where he dates the baker and brings her a box of different flours and was like -" I brought some flours." Will Jack and Sarah ever finally do the deed and fix their cases of Blue Balls? Find out in this fun friends to lover romantic comedy by RC Boldt. As I have enjoyed both of RC Boldt's work, I am interested to see what is released next.
Profile Image for Leslie.
Author 35 books1,373 followers
May 27, 2018
Jesus, the title is appropriate. So deliciously painful though. I loved it!
Profile Image for Danielle.
807 reviews42 followers
August 9, 2017
I liked this book. Sadly not as much as I loved Clam Jam but it was a good book in its own respects. Jack and Sarah became friends because their best friends were roommates. The chemistry between the two has always been off the charts and they decide to take it to the next level.. you know S-E-X. Well an unfortunate love bite and ass slap results in both of them having blue balls. The question is will they ever get together and is this just sex or can it be more??

I liked Sarah and Jack. I really loved Jack. He was a hottie but he used to be a nerd in his former life and sometimes still feels like that nerd underneath. He was such a sweetie. I love when the hero knows he's found his girl. He just has to convince her that he is the one. Sarah... she loves sex. So this blue ball thing is not working for her. She is somewhat of a free spirit but she is very jaded about love due to her dad leaving her mom years ago and the way he mom choose to cope. She's cool with a sexual relationship with Jack but unsure about more. I liked the story and humor in this one but it wasn't as funny as I thought it would be even though the sex scenes are hilarious. Overall it was a humorous and cute story and I would recommend this book to those who like a little blue balls with their romance.
Profile Image for Misty - The Erotic Book Blog.
625 reviews10 followers
August 8, 2017
I can’t tell you how excited I am to finally get Jack’s story.

I absolutely fell in love with his character during Ry’s story (Clam Jam) and I just knew he was going to be this sweet, swoony, sexy man. And RC Boldt just proved me right!

Jack is dreamy. He’s smarty, funny, and so endearing you’ll have to remind yourself (repeatedly) that he’s a fictional character. He embodies everything you want in a strong male hero in a story.

Sarah is one of a kind. She’s opinionated, unfiltered, confident, and laugh-out-loud funny. She’s also determined not to let the wily charms of Jack Westbrook penetrate her “no relationships” rule she’s set for herself. Jack is nothing, though, if not persistent.

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, with these two. Their journey is hilariously funny, with the perfect amount of heartwarming and heartbreaking thrown in for good measure. And in the end, it’ll leave you with a smile on your face and warmth in your heart.

Five fabulous stars!!!
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,381 reviews1,835 followers
August 7, 2017

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This is my first RC Boldt novel so I wasn’t sure what I was walking into when I first started. However, after reading it, I learned that her style of writing is easy, flirty, and filled with hot moments and comedic outrageous events that are unbelievable.

What I really liked about this novel is the timing. RC Boldt chose to actually develop the relationship between Jack and Sarah over time by giving us breaks like “two weeks later…”, “nine months later…”, etc. It made readers realize that their love was not insta-love but something created through time.

While romance novels should include a lot of steamy love scenes, I personally wasn’t looking forward to so many. It could be just me being a mood reader and not caring for erotica but if you’re down for it, then this one is something you need to pick up.

However, what I really enjoyed was the fluffy bits between Sarah and Jack. The fact that Jack calls Sarah his sunshine. *BLUSHES* IT’S SO FREAKING CUTE I HAD TO BUMP UP MY RATING FOR THIS BOOK.

Another reason why this book was not a perfect 5/5 star rating for me was because I’m very picky when it comes to conflict resolution. If it’s your fault that your relationship didn’t work out in the first place, own up to it. Don’t let the other partner take all the blame. Apologize and give me the declaration of love I’m looking forward to. Although a declaration was made and the conflict was resolved, I was just annoyed because it wasn’t who I wanted to do it. And you’ll understand if you read it. 😉


Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,614 reviews421 followers
July 18, 2017
Review by Lisa Kane

Sarah Matthews is ambitious and more than a little quirky. She’s a nurse who’s been studying to become a nurse anesthetist. She may be one smart cookie but she’s a bit of a commitment phobic. Her childhood; most especially her mom’s insecurities with men, molded Sarah into an independent woman who loves to have sex. But has no interest in a relationship. Only one that involves naughty bits having fun and walking away.

Besides, I don’t do relationships; not only because of my childhood, but also because I’ve been far too busy.

When her best friend Maggie moved in Ry, she met Jack Westbrook. (If you haven’t read their story Clamjam-get on that!) Ry’s best friend. He’s gorgeous, brilliant and has just come out of a causal relationship.

I’ve known him for over a year now, and ever since the mutual acquaintance of our best friends thrust us together, I’ve wanted to include other types of thrusting in our equation.

Jack is finally going to make his move. He’s wanted Sarah since he first laid eyes on her but the timing never seemed right. But the stars are in alignment and it’s game on!

Panties have disintegrated. I repeat. Panties. Have. Disintegrated.

But things like getting laid are so easy for these two. It seems every time they are about to get intimate with each other’s genitals, someone or something interrupts them. Hence, the title of the book-Blue Balls.

Damn vagina. She’s such a traitor when it comes to Jack.

Blue Balls is full of chocolate candies wrapped in witty little notes, smile-invoking nicknames like “Sunshine” and odd comments which actually start to make sense.

“Now tell me you don’t think there’s a chance Dave Matthews and Shakira could be the same person.”
Wait, what?

But there being together is not all fun and games. Sometimes couples aren’t in the same place at the same time. Sometimes one wants less or more than the other. Oh uh…cue the ominous music.

I devoured this latest release from RC Boldt as quickly as I did Clamjam. It’s the right balance of angst and humor and lust!

I’d suffer blue balls my entire life if it means I get to spend each of those days with you.

Profile Image for Nancy❤The❤Bookaholic.
1,136 reviews143 followers
March 2, 2018
~~4.75 stars~~

I knew I was going to enjoy this book but what surprised me was who was doing the surprising. I honestly thought Jack would be the one getting himself into trouble but Sarah took the limelight in this book and she did a marvelous job at it.

I want to read more of these great tight nit couples. I want to read about the HEA's and the little rugrats. I did not want this series to end. This made me laugh out loud and I've successfully got my friend to read this and she's loving it too.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 276 reviews

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