Social media helps a lost child find her mother in 20 minutes

Image courtesy: Facebook

The power of social media helped four-year-old Avani Jain, who was lost at the Nagpur railway station, reunite with her mother.

Avani’s mother Sunaina Jain, her uncle Sandesh Jain and their cousins, who were preoccupied in conversation, left her behind at the station. When they realized that Avani was not with them, the group had panicked. But fortunately a railway police official had found her.

The lady officer posted Avani’s photograph with her on social media platforms and, within minutes, the post went viral on Facebook and WhatsApp. Avani’s relatives stumbled upon the photo in a group called ‘Amche Nagpur’ and contacted her uncle.

Avani was reunited with her mother in 20 minutes, thanks to the railway police official and the wonderful people on the internet!

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