San Francisco Call, Volume 102, Number 10, 10 June 1907 — THREE KILLED IN RACE RIOT IN YAZOO CITY [ARTICLE]


Trouble Starts f When Negro ::■■■ Defies and Curses His Employer , • .

* TAZOO; CITT. ; Miss..' June 9.— ln a clash, between negroes and whites here late last night, 1 three were killed.". two;, others', seriously/ whipped, and ■ J 'four i 'white / men : : wounded. --. ' The trouble ' originated when ; T. ; D. : Kirk. a ; • plantation "j owner. / approached . a group of negro ;: tenants « . to a Instruct them 'relative* to. some .-.field -work. -

; ' One :of them/v Abe"' :: Johnson. •'.; cursed Kirk, ,whq',retreated : toward his house to secure , V.weapon.:.. weapon.:. Johnson >' and / his three sons ; went on a like mission, and before. Kirk reached his house he was "overtaken 1 and \[ fired [on and | wounded by V:'bne ." of ; the , younger; negroes.'.il Two brothers;* and /another,::. white v man"- ran to : Kirk's assistance i and .were wounded.

I svThey,returned| the flre.% killing _' Green' Johnson. V a The ; Johnsons ;: then i;barri- ! caded ? themselves Kin i- their J cabin and defied i arrest. 1. Two. negroes t .were ilater killed by a mob and. two. others severely, whipped. ,Kate' advice states that no further, trouble* is e"xpected. ;- : : .