
9 Promising Young Scientists Join Nano Letters’ Early Career Advisory Board

Liesa Ross
  • 2 min read

The future of science perennially belongs to the next generation. Students and young professionals are continual sources of enthusiasm, determination, and new ideas. To maintain their relevance for generations to come, scientific publications must find ways to engage scientists early in their careers. Journals can help provide guidance, as well as receive critical feedback from […]

The future of science perennially belongs to the next generation. Students and young professionals are continual sources of enthusiasm, determination, and new ideas. To maintain their relevance for generations to come, scientific publications must find ways to engage scientists early in their careers. Journals can help provide guidance, as well as receive critical feedback from new readers. That’s why Nano Letters is expanding its newly created Early Career Advisory Board.

Meet the newest members of the Early Career Advisory Board:

Katherine Jungjohann is a staff scientist at Sandia National Laboratory’s Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies. Her research focuses on liquid-phase TEM of nanomaterial growth, assembly, corrosion & electrochemistry.


Matthew McDowell is an assistant professor at Georgia Tech. McDowell’s group seeks to understand & control multi-scale dynamic processes in electrochemical materials.


Keith A. Brown is an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering and Physics from Boston University. His group’s research focuses on confining soft materials at the nanoscale and studying how they behave.


Sarah Brittman, is a postdoctoral researcher at FOM Institute AMOLF in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Brittman seeks to understand & control materials at the nanoscale to create new and better optoelectronic devices.


Haotian Wang is a Rowland Junior Fellow at the Rowland Institute at Harvard Univertsity. Wang’s research interests focus on developing highly efficient catalysts for renewable energy applications.


Jingshan Luo is a postdoctoral fellow at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

Jingshan’s research focuses on solar energy conversion and electrocatalysis.


Benjamin Isaacoff is an applied physics graduate student at The University of Michigan. Ben’s research focuses on exploring the interaction of single fluorescent molecules & plasmonic antennas.


Betty Kim is a neurosurgeon scientist who serves as Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Neuroscience and Cancer Biology at the Mayo Clinic. Kim’s group seeks to understand mechanisms of nano-immune interactions in vivo & develop therapies for brain tumor patients.


Umberto Celano is a researcher in the Material & Component Analysis Lab at imec, Belgium. Umberto’s research at imec focuses on novel 3D metrology concepts for the analysis of emerging electronic devices.


New members were elected to the Early Career Advisory Board after a call for nominations period in late 2015. Nominations were open to graduate students, postdocs, and early career faculty in their first three years as an Assistant Professor or similar position in industry or national laboratories.

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