Leaders | The future of the car

Clean, safe and it drives itself

Cars have already changed the way we live. They are likely to do so again

SOME inventions, like some species, seem to make periodic leaps in progress. The car is one of them. Twenty-five years elapsed between Karl Benz beginning small-scale production of his original Motorwagen and the breakthrough, by Henry Ford and his engineers in 1913, that turned the car into the ubiquitous, mass-market item that has defined the modern urban landscape. By putting production of the Model T on moving assembly lines set into the floor of his factory in Detroit, Ford drastically cut the time needed to build it, and hence its cost. Thus began a revolution in personal mobility. Almost a billion cars now roll along the world’s highways.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “Clean, safe and it drives itself”

Clean, safe and it drives itself

From the April 20th 2013 edition

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