How Many Currencies?

Some commenters on my Europe/euro post offer a reductio ad absurdum: if Spain should have its own currency, why not every state/town/family in America?

Strange to say, economists have thought about that — a lot. It’s called optimal currency area theory. (Optimal? Optimum? Nobody seems to know — or care).

The basic idea is that there’s a tradeoff. Having your own currency makes it easier to make necessary adjustments in prices and wages, an argument that goes back to none other than Milton Friedman. As opposed to this, having multiple currencies raises the costs of doing business across national borders.

What determines which side of this tradeoff you should take? Clearly, countries that do a lot of trade with each other have more incentive to adopt a common currency: the euro makes more sense than a currency union between, say, Malaysia and Ecuador. Beyond that, the literature suggests several other things that might matter. High labor mobility makes it easier to adjust to asymmetric shocks; so does fiscal integration.

When EMU began as a project, there were a number of studies comparing the EU with the United States. What all of them suggested was that Europe was less suitable as a currency area, basically because of lower labor mobility and lack of fiscal union. That didn’t settle the question of whether the euro was a good idea, but it did suggest that appealing to the success of the United States with a single currency didn’t tell you much.

What I’ve always found interesting is the way many Europeans now insist that a single currency is absolutely essential, when the example of Canada — which is closer to the United States than it is to itself — provides an obvious counterexample. But people tend to forget that Canada exists …

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Canada and the UK right? The UK seems to be doing relatively well, though maybe that’s just an indication of how poorly Ireland and Spain are doing.

I haven’t heard any good arguments as to why we shouldn’t have a dollarized common market with Canada, are there any? Particularly now with the us/canadian dollars at about parity it would seem like a logical thing to do. Not that it would make political sense.

“What I’ve always found interesting is the way many Europeans now insist that a single currency is absolutely essential, when the example of Canada — which is closer to the United States than it is to itself — provides an obvious counterexample.”

This SO needs clarification so that a non-economist’s reaction can be other than Eh?

Isn’t that where Celine Dion is president or prime minister or something ? NEway, the song says ‘Blame it on Canada’.

Perhaps one of the reasons things work in Canada is they are afflected with fewer than 100 banks, so therefore in better control of local currencies.

In the U.S., the problem might be the same as in the past, except now there are about 10,000 banks – who is going to tell the bankers we only need about 1000 were we to keep same ratio to population as Canada ?

Does anyone have an etch-a-sketch to start cobbling together some sort of scheme to keep individual areas and bank boards of directors from inflating things they would have the direct interest and ability to inflate ?


We’re not even able to regulate one currency, so it’s hard to believe multiple currencies with multiple sets of regulations and regulators could do anything but lead to exponentially more triangulating of consumers, politicians and regulators by banksters in darkened board-rooms, golfing retreats and Gulfstreams.

Sigh – pass the scotch.

Dear Prof. Krugman,

I always took it to be that the EU’s push for a common currency was less economic and more political. Transaction costs effects seem to have been fairly minimal (except perhaps for altering expectations wrt future investment).
Failure of the labour mobility requirement was pretty clear-cut, thus clearing the way for the possibility of a fiscal grandmaster (a la Kenan). The Lisbon treaty starts to take the EU that way, but political difficulties remain. You’ve got to respect the ambition though.



Canada stands to be quite the tourist attraction once Global Warming turns the corner.

There is a currency standard that is optimal for both local and global trade…

Hint: It’s a 4 letter word beginning with G, ending with D.

Alas, those who constantly push for centralization of power are terrified by the idea of a populace free from government (and bankers’) manipulation.

Mathematical control engineers tend to use optimal as an adjective and optimum as a noun, so the optimal currency area is the optimum economists love to think about.

Euro is not an economic optimization, but a political goal. Politicians think if we (the europeans) have Euro, sooner or later we will became an “Optimal currency area” (with great labor mobility, a common language, etc).

Here is a question for Mr. Krugman. USA was an optimal currency area when the $US was established or was a political goal?

Did you know one simple historical example of currency established in order to just optimize the economy?

Speaking as a Canadian, most of us LOVE the fact that so many other countries (OK, mostly just the States) forget that we exist. It’s nice and quiet here, and we can get things done.

Nothing to see here… move along!

The EU is not the EEC anymore. The goal is not only economics. The euro has an enormous symbolic value. Currently, you can pay with the Euro from Portugal to Finland and from Cyprus to Ireland. I can think of no better symbol of the European integration.

@minderbender: Errr, actually, the UK not doing so well, currently. It would be doing better if the UK had the euro.

I do not know if the euro has cos the participating countries money or not. It is too complex to understand. However, the euro has taken away a number of barriers that will make the European labor force more mobile.

I think there is a fundamental difference between the US and the EU in this aspect. American politics seems to be doing a lot of stuff *after* the fact. Think health care, think gay marriage. The EU and Europeans try to be *ahead* of things. Which approach works better can be debated.

On a recent extended vacation across Canada, I was only slightly surprised to learn how sensitive most Canadians are to the relationship of their dollar to the U.S. dollar. Every Canadian seems to understand the importance of maintaining their currency at favorable exchange rate (i.e. slightly lower than) the U.S. dollar.

This relationship provides them with substantail trade advantages with their (and our) major trading partner. China did not invent the strategy of maintaining lower than dollar parity. The Canadians, Mexicans and even Saudis have been doing so for decades. It’s never been a problem for us due to the great imbalance in shear size of the trading economies. But China is a different matter . . .

reductio ad absurdum?!- just goes to show the power of propaganda- in fact local currencies foster sovereignty, be it of nation or community- ‘absurd’ local currencies are precisely what indiginous communities need to foster local growth and stave off capital flight out of the community into foreign pockets

re: canada as a counter example.

US-Canada trade requires one monetary exchange. NAFTA trade requires three (Canada-US, US-Mexico, Canada-Mexico).

Eurozone (16 countries) trade could require as many as 120 monetary exchanges (16*15/2 or 16 choose 2) — more if the non-Eurozone countries that also use the Euro had their own currencies as well.

A single currency may not be strictly necessary, but it’s not unreasonable to argue that having more than a few can be a big problem — and Canada isn’t much of a counter-example in that case.

What’s “Canada”?

But seriously, as the EU continues to be, well, united, I would think that there would be a (very) gradual increase in labor mobility. I suspect the biggest barrier is language rather than geography.

“people tend to forget that Canada exists …”

unless South Park wants to blame them for something.

IIRC, the up-front costs to convert to the Euro from individual currencies (new vending machines and such) were huge.

If trade partners benefit from a shared currency, should you not be supporting China’s linking the Yuan to the American $? Is that not the equivalent of having a shared currency?

I agree with Chris. Germans were well aware of the disadvantages of the Euro (particularly for themselves), but the idea was to create a common element that may ultimately lead to some sort of political union.

Mr Krugman, economy of course matters, but it cannot be the only thing.
Politically, it makes fully sense to have a single currency here in the UE. It may be possibly cause some trouble because of the heterogeneity ot the national economies involved, but on the other hand that may also be seen as an opportunity to bring countries together, in a way and at a rate that was unthinkable before the euro switch in 2002. History move forward by crises and necessity, the inevitability of the euro is a boundary condition that may accelerate the process of Europe unification more than anything else.
Moreover, to compete with the greenback as a reserve currency for the rest of the world has some positive side effect too… Shopping in NY has never been so cheap.

Ah shucks, as a Canadian, I’m duly flattered that someone has noticed us.

and here I thought the post title was a Fugees reference… “How many currencies do we rip on the daily?”

“But people tend to forget that Canada exists …”

So true, so true… and I’m beginning to think for us in Canada that’s a blessing!

Hate to say it, Graham, but as much as I love the idea of Gold, it was manipulated by the bankers just as much as any currency.

In fact, you could say that it is still being manipulated, as much of the gold trading on the market today MAY only exist on paper.

“But people tend to forget that Canada exists”

What you mean is that Americans tend to forget that Canada exists (and Canada is better off for it).