Information for Week Three

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Pain should continue to improve though you may still need narcotics. Physical Therapy may flare up the pain somewhat but it is important to be able to comply with therapy to get your motion back. For this reason, narcotics may be particularly useful before physical therapy sessions. Ice and the cold therapy unit will also help a lot. You can discuss the details of icing with your physical therapist.

If these measures are not adequately controlling your pain, you may call our office at (219) 921-1444 (if it is after hours, you will speak to the physician on call).


You do not need to have any dressings on your knee at this point. You can use an ACE bandage if it is more comfortable or helps your brace stay on. Don’t wrap the ACE bandage too tightly or it can cause ankle swelling.


You may shower daily but should not be allowing the incisions to soak. If your sutures have been removed you no longer need to cover them with Press-And-Seal. You may let soap and water gently wash over your incisions, but do not scrub them. Pat them dry with a towel then cover each of the incisions with a band-aid if desired. You may take occasional baths and go into a swimming pool if your incisions are completely dry and there is no more drainage.


During this time period your brace should be unlocked once your quadriceps strength recovers. You should ask your therapist if they feel like your quadriceps is strong enough to unlock your brace. They can also help show you how to unlock the brace. (Note: If you had a meniscal repair performed, your brace should remain locked for the full 4 weeks. This is not for a meniscal trimming but just meniscal repairs. Ask your therapist or doctor/PA if you are unsure). The crutches are to be used as needed for comfort and stability. Do not stop using the crutches until you have been instructed to do so by your physical therapist. You should be attending therapy 2 or 3 times per week. If you do not have physical therapy arranged please call our office now to help coordinate.


Please call our office at (219) 921-1444 if you develop a fever greater than 101°F, calf pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, increasing pain that is not responding to pain medication, redness around incisions or knee, increased swelling, persistent bleeding or drainage, or drainage other than clear fluid or blood. If it is after hours, the answering service will contact the physician on call.


Around this timeframe is when many people are able to return to driving. There is no definite way to determine when you are ready to drive. You need to be off narcotics and able to safely operate your vehicle. The concern here is not so much about damaging the ACL but about you being able to safely react behind the wheel. Be honest with yourself and if you are not certain that you are ready then wait. It is not worth the risk if there is any question. Do not wear the brace while driving as it can lock and cause problems.


  • Avoid anti-inflammatory medication (ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, etc) during this period as some studies have shown it may actually slow down or prevent tendon healing. If your doctor has instructed you to take aspirin, you may do so.
  • Allow yourself to rest and recover during the weeks following surgery. Even if you knee is feeling better/less pain, don’t overdo it. You might notice that your knee swells more and gets stiff if you’ve been up walking on it for too long.
  • Plan ahead- if you need a refill on pain medication, our office requires 24-48 hours notice for your request to be processed. We cannot refill medications after hours or on weekends.
  • Rehabilitation is one of the most important aspect of ACL surgery. Work hard in therapy to get your knee motion back!


You will have your next office visit 4-6 weeks after surgery. Usually no x-rays are taken at this visit. Feel free to ask any questions! If this appointment is not scheduled, please call our office to schedule one (219) 921-1444.