FAQs for Actionable Google Analytics Magento

1) Where can I find the setting for this extension?

You can Find extension under System –> Configuration –> Tatvic

2) I’ve install the extension but I do not see any data in my GA

Following are one or more reasons:

  • Please make sure that you have Enabled Enhanced Ecommerce setting in your GA Account. Check out the Step 1 of this
  • If you have just installed our extension, then please wait for at-least 24 hours before you start seeing any data in your GA. If you still face this issue after 24 hours, please reach out to us here.

3) My Ecommerce transaction data are not getting recorded in GA

Please check if you have auto return configured in your payment gateway settings. If a user completes the transaction via a 3rd party payment gateway and is not redirected back to your store’s thank you page, our extension will not be able to send the transaction data.

Hence, this may result into missing transaction data in your GA. You can resolve this issue by configuring auto return in your payment gateway settings.

4) How to verify if you have implemented the extension well?

To verify if you have implemented the extension well, just log in to your Google Analytics account & check if the data is coming well in your Enhanced Ecommerce Reports.

5) How much time will it take to see the data in Google Analytics?

It generally depends upon the traffic of the store. Butin general it may take max up to 24 hours & min 4 hours to see the data in Google Analytics.

6) Why the extension does not sent data when I am logged in as Admin?

To avoid sending your own transaction data or sessions data in Google Analytics, our extension doesn’t sent the data to GA when you are logged in as super admin. Having said, if you are logged in as Shop Manager, extension will send the data to GA.

7) Does your extension support Product Refund?

Yes, Our extension does support the Product Refund data to populate in your Google Analytics account. For the complete process, kindly follow these steps. Or you can carry out the whole process from your end, by following this document.

8) I found more than One UA Tracking code in my store. Does it affect the GA data?
I’m getting double pageviews on store/analytics account?

While using the Chrome extension Google Tag Assistant, you’ll find your UA ID twice; this is how you’ll conclude that there are 2 UA code in your store.

If there are one or multiple UA tracking script on the store(other than the UA script added by our extension), it will result in firing double pageviews to be populated in your analytics account. Since our extension is already adding the UA script on your store; Kindly remove the other script you have added (manually or via any other extension) to avoid the discrepancy in your analytics account.

9) How can I test if the extension is implemented well on my store?
Procedure to check if extension is sending all the Enhanced Ecommerce calls to analytics account:

Click here to find the detailed process as how our extension sends data to your GA account.

10) Why the GTM code is there?

We have implemented the GTM code since it becomes super easy for us to tweak the extension code. We have had cases when the extension didn’t work out of the box for our customers; Using the GTM we were able to make few changes in our extension code so that the tracking issue can be resolved.

If you are not comfortable using our GTM, you can also Use your GTM .

11) How does your extension work with our GTM?

Our Extension will work well with your GTM code. The only thing that you need to remove will be UA code from your GTM. Rest every event that you are firing with your GTM will not be affected and will work well with our extension.

12) Products with Custom Options not getting recorded in GA.

Currently our extension does not support custom options (for your Products), hence you may not see their transaction data in GA. Additionally, we are planning to add the same feature in our upcoming release.