Use of lemon for natural skin care and beauty treatment

Lemon is a powerhouse of vital nutrients as well as antioxidants that are essential for restoring your skin and health. Know its abundant benefits.
Use of lemon for natural skin care and beauty treatment

If you are in search of an ingredient that would cater to all your beauty needs, then what can be better than lemons. Lemons are easily available and this citric fruit is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Phosphorus and Carbohydrates. The fruit acids are good for skin and are very productive in enhancing your beauty.


use of lemon for skin


To reduce dark spots or pigmentation

Citrus fruits, particularly lemons, are immensely good for healing dark spots, age spots and freckles. Just apply the lemon juice on the affected area and you would notice a decrease of the spots over time. The citric acid present in lemons helps in bleaching and clarifying the skin.


To heal acne

Squeeze some fresh lemon juice extract and dilute it with some water. Apply it on the affected area with the help of a cotton pad. You can leave it for about fifteen minutes and then wash off with clean cold water. Regular usage of lemon juice helps in healing acne.


use of lemon for acne



Before going to bed, rub lemon juice over the area of the face that has blackheads. Wash it off in the morning with cold water. Continue doing this for a few days till the blackheads are gone as lemon juice works as an excellent cleanser.


Dry skin

Mix equal quantity of lemon juice, honey and olive oil to make a moisturizing mask. Apply the mask on the skin and let it dry for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. Doing this regularly will make the skin soft and hydrated.





Mix a few drops of lemon juice and few drops of sweet almond oil in a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes on the face and then rinse it off. This mixture helps in reducing the fine lines of the skin and thus makes the skin look young.



Use lemon juice externally on the body only at night. It makes your skin photosensitive (sensitive to light).


Image Source: Getty

Read more articles on Home Remedies for Skin.


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