Daily Alta California, Volume 24, Number 8240, 18 October 1872 — The Riot iv Hunterdoa« New Jersey. [ARTICLE]

The Riot iv Hunterdoa« New Jersey.

The New York Sun gives the following details of tho trouble in Hunterdon county, New Jersey:

Ono hundred and fifty black, mostly from Virgiuin, aud over three hundred white laborers, muKtly liiuli, were at work on a tunnel on the new railroad from Perth Amboy to tbe coal mines. On Saturday night a party of the whites, who wero drunk, having been paid off the day before, assailed a party of negroes, who had boen serenading, and were repulsed. They procured reinforcements and renewed the attack, only to be repulsed the second time. About midnight the whites rallied in considerable numbers, and attacked the negroes, burning their buildings. Both sides wore armed with pickaxes and other implements. Charles Coll, a white laborer, was killed during the flght.

On discovering the dead body of their comrade the next day, tho Irish laborers were filled with madness, and raised a cry of revenge. They organized at 4 o'clock in the morning, armed with pistols, .••mi-., etc., and -started in pursuit of the negroes. Coming upon the latter suddenly, they fired a volley, killing Dennis Powell, negro. Tho 'negroes scattered in all directions, taking refuge in 1 1 1 • ■ hous« and outbuildlugs of a Mrs. Carter. li.-uj.no in liiMlininn was found secreted under tno Btoop. Ho was shot and dragged forth and his brains beaten out. A third negro, named Oscar Bruce, was shot wbilo running away, and his body stamped almost to a jelly. Tho Irishmen then roturned to their quarters.

Tho Sheriff of the county, with a posse, is reconnoiterlng tho region, and has made two arrests so far. Nearly all the Irish ringleaders have run away. Most of the negroes have abandoned tho reserved wagos duo thorn, and cleared out in terror. Tho scene of the affray was at Piittcnburg, Union Township, Huuterdon county.