Stumbo Filed Baseless Lawsuit to Punish Woman Who Made Him Pay Child Support

          Greg Stumbo fathered a child in 1988, while cheating on his first wife.  The mother of the child worked with Stumbo to set up a child support agreement.  But when the agreement fell through, she filed in court to make Stumbo pay the child support.

        Stumbo demanded a paternity test to prove he was the father.  The test results showed that he was indeed the father of the child.


(“Paternity suit a problem for Stumbo,” Daily News, August 3, 2003.)

        Stumbo was outraged about having to pay child support.  He responded by filing his own lawsuit against the mother of his child in Floyd County, where his political machine could ensure it wouldn’t get tossed from the court immediately for lacking merit and where it would maximize the inconvenience for the mother of his child to defend.  (Stumbo, like the mother, lived in Lexington.)


(“Supreme court to decide where Stumbo lawsuit belongs,” Kentucky New Era, August 20, 2004.)

        To get an idea of how much political influence Stumbo has in Floyd County, see:
How Stumbo’s DUI arrest was handled: Link
How Thunder Ridge came to Stumbo’s Floyd County Fiefdom: Link

        Keep in mind that Floyd County keeps electing Stumbo even though they know he doesn’t even live in their district.  They know about the Kent Downey scandal and how Stumbo prevents needed reform of the LRC to stop future harassment.  They know about all of Stumbo’s ethics troubles.  For example: Link.  They simply do not care because he gives them influence and pork.  But why on earth does the rest of Kentucky put up with this scumbag?  Politicians should fear having their picture taken with Stumbo given his notorious history.  Anyone who wants to enable this corrupt misogynist scumbag better get ready to explain why women should be sued as punishment for seeking child support and why the scandal-ridden LRC doesn’t need reform.  We need a fresh change in Frankfort, not more Stumbo sleaze and corruption.  Anyone who would vote for Stumbo’s leadership is part of the problem.