COZZI COVE: STEPPING OUT (Cozzi Cove 3) by Joe Cosentino

So we find ourselves back for another Summer at Cozzi Cove...

With the usual residents and a new intake of holidaymakers you know you can count on Cozzi Cove to create new love and bring old flames together.

Cal Cozzi runs the place with the help of Cory, the wonderfully funny and ever flirtatious houseboy. Making up the beds and cleaning the rooms is not the only thing he is good at and this year, hopefully he might settle down!!!

Cal's sister takes up residence in his spare bedroom, her doctor next door, we have their brother in one of the cabins, a priest in another and even a band of Angels!!!!

Oh and let's not forget the mysterious woman who seems to know them all but no one can place....

The usual mix of storylines and characters make for an interesting read and this time around, Cal has a few love life problems of his own with his young partner.

I love this series and hope it continues, after all, every year comes with a Summer and Cozzi Cove will always be open for business.

5 out of 5 stars.

Sue x